Main products:
Castings for cold/hot rolling mill
Castings for tube rolling mill
Heavy castings for rolling mill mainly include mill housing used for heavy-duty rolling mill. As brand product for castings the mill housing is in the leading position in the same industry with respect to comprehensive performance, inspection requirements, appearance quality, after-sales service and so on. With high market share the product has been highly praised by customers.
Main products:
Castings for cold/hot rolling mill
Castings for tube rolling mill
Tel.: +86-351-6367015,155****1366
As the Big Door-frame of rolling mill the mill housing is the key part for bearing pressure load. The quality of the mill housing affects directly the operation efficiency and service life of the whole machine.
Typical Products
The largest high quality mill housing for China Zhongwang Holdings Co., Limited. with the overall dimensions of 12010mm×4900mm×1810mm and gross weight of 232t.
During the past years, we have produced nearly a thousand kinds of high quality castings used for various kinds of rolling mill equipment and exported to India, Korea, Germany and other countries and regions in the world. We have developed and produced the largest mill housing for China Zhongwang Holdings Co., Limited. with the overall dimensions of 12010mm×4900mm×1810mm and gross weight of 232t.
For castings, TYHI has obtained the works approval of CCS (China classification society), LR (Lloyd's Register of Shipping - UK), DNV (Det Norske Veritas - Norway), GL (Germanischer Lloyd - Germany), ABS (American Bureau of Shipping- the USA), BV (Bureau Veritas - France) and KR (Korean Register of Shipping - Korea).
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