TYHI has manufactured almost 400 sets of extrusion presses for aluminum, copper, ferrous metals and carbon. Extrusion presses made by TYHI range from 8MN to 360MN with the advantages of easy operation, easy maintenance, low energy consumption, high yield, high quality, etc., accounting for 80% of the medium and large-scale extrusion presses in domestic markets.
TYHI provided more than 240 sets of medium and large capacity aluminum extrusion press of different types for aluminum processing i...
TYHI can supply whole set equipment copper alloy extrusion for customer, including single-action copper extrusion press, double-actio...
TYHI has supplied more than 10 carbon extrusion presses including vertical-ram horizontal-extrusion and horizontal-ram horizontal-ext...
TYHI manufactures ferrous metal extrusion presses include 12.5MN, 16MN, 35MN and 63MN presses for customers, among which 12.5MN and 6...
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