The main categories of complete sets of seamless steel pipe equipment are: continuous rolling mill, Assel pipe mill, Accu-Roll pipe mill, large-caliber seamless steel pipe mill, rotary expander, etc. The company has produced more than 50 complete sets of various pipe rolling equipment, with the domestic market share of more than 70%.
TYHI is the first company to develop, design and supply complete sets of continuous pipe rolling mills in China. The series of contin...
In 2003, TYHI designed and manufactured the first domestic Φ159mm Assel rolling mill with independent intellectual property rights. ...
Accu-Roll 2-roll tube rolling mill is used in rolling process of the complete set of Accu-Roll equipment for hot rolling seamless ste...
TYHI started to develop its own Ф2000mm giant dragon piercing equipment for producing the largest diameter steel pipe in China in 19...
Rotary expander (also known as cross-rolling expanding) is a form of tube rolling. It is a method to obtain the largest diameter seam...
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