TYHI mainly provides equipment such as ethane/propane column, coking fractionating tower, flue gas desulfurization column, fractionating tower, stabilizer column, isomerization heat separator, disambiguation feed buffer tank for light hydrocarbon recovery unit, kerosene hydrofining unit, PX unit, lubricant isomerization and dewaxing unit, disproportionation unit, heavy oil hydrocracking unit, delayed coking unit, sulfur recovery unit, catalytic unit, reforming unit, and gasoline hydrogenation unit.
TYHI can supply all kinds of reactors using plate welding and forging welding required by production process in large scale petroleum...
In petrochemical projects, columns are non-standard equipment specially designed and manufactured as per a certain production process...
TYHI can manufacture various of non-standard heat exchanger including high temperature water or steam radiator and air cooler with ma...
TYHI possesses its own reshipment wharf, which can realize equipment assembled for delivery of large equipment including delivery of ...
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